Mar 24Liked by Brigit Anna McNeill

Wishing you healing, Anna. I have just come through my own small ordeal, I will wait for the three month follow up before I look into things more deeply. Now I just need to rest, and be. Your words and thoughts are lovely, and comforting. I particularly liked the Mary Oliver poem. 💕

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Mar 24Liked by Brigit Anna McNeill

Hi Brigit, thankyou so much for sharing this today. As always, I feel like you speak my mind and heart - and the body I also need to listen to. I am currently trying to manage another episode of what I’ve come to call depression over the last 40+ years and wondering if there is another way of understanding it. I love what you’ve said about letting go of strategies which only served to shut up the messages we needed to hear but ignored, in favour of living a life which wasn’t true to us. That really resonates with me. I’m off into the hills to let it percolate.

Thankyou and I wish you well with whatever it is you’re dealing with ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your journey Brigit. I really love reading your posts and appreciate your sharing. I agree about the bypassing of emotions and the physical messengers, however, the only mindfulness that I have learned is practicing a real engagement with these signals and feeling them and feeling how they feel, while holding them with loving kindness. It has helped me stop pushing away and bypassing these feelings and actually enables me to be with them and hold them. Mindfulness and self compassion go hand in hand. It has also personally helped with my full engagement with the natural world - really noticing and being with everything.

I wish you well on on your healing journey ❤️

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Deep bow to your journey Brigit, your words are a joy to your soul I am sure, knowing you are listening, feeling, trusting and being open to the deep wisdom of your body.

A book you might enjoy at this time comes to mind, it is called Belonging, Remembering ourselves home. it is by Toko pa Turner. I feel it may be a good companion to you at this time in your unfurling and healing. Much love and gratitude for the precious wild being you are XXx

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Bless you Brigit! I can say - from experience - the Nervous System journey is so deeply complex yet intensely brilliant! It really becomes the Transformational story to the each of our own - that deep welled echo of our being in each moment.

Plus, it's such a pull away from all the systemic healing modules (and absolutely the 'modern mindfulness' spectrum.)

As each their own - healing is simply the becoming of you! (And what works for you).

Lessons Abound!

I pray deeply to your becoming. May you always know the truth of your steps, and the capacity your breathe carries.

To the tendrils of your being,

Blessed Be!

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