Mar 5, 2023Liked by Brigit Anna McNeill

Hi Anna - I want to thank you for such lovely free newsletters you've been sending out. I am grateful & thrilled at the same time. Sometimes when one is trying to heal from trauma, audio snippets of calming music or nature sounds or talks and interviews and meditations are most helpful. Thank you for sending more of those in the past few newsletters! Thank you for all you do, thank you for the inspiration, thank you for all the efforts you make in helping strangers experience whatever it is they can take from your bright letters! xx

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Brigit, this is wonderful and exactly what I needed to read this morning. I bookmarked it in my "Essentials" folder to return to. I was out earlier this morning, just after rising, for a walk. It is a gray and chilly morning, with a cold breeze blowing. My first thought was, "It isn't all that beautiful today...." but then I caught myself. Of course it's beautiful! There were crows flying and I could hear the trills of red-winged blackbirds, a sure sign here of imminent spring. The heavy clouds caught up against the mountains were both mysterious and ominous. In the neighboring fields there was a possibility at any moment of seeing a coyote or a fox. I saw neither, but that doesn't mean they weren't out there watching me. We don't have to actually see each other for the relationship to be reciprocal! As I moved along I loved seeing last year's dry leaves blown free of the willow tree and scrape across the road. I even loved the screech and clatter of a road address sign hanging loose from a fence and being pushed back and forth by the breeze. I marveled that the road, bare and dry except at its edges, was the same one I walked two nights ago while a blizzard howled and covered it all – including me! – in snow. And now there was no sign of it except for the dirty roadside piles, slowly melting away drop by drop, pushed into place by months of snowplowing.

Like you, it seems, these are the experiences I live for. In the loneliness of trying to swim upstream in a world that wants our attention for other things – devices, televisions, ludicrous bluster – it's invigorating to know there are others clinging as tenaciously to the relentless sublime beauty of the living world. 🙏🏽

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Brigit Anna McNeill

Thank you for such a beautiful read x

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Hi Brigit, I love your posts and have been trying to upgrade to a paid subscription but all my attempts have failed. I don’t seem to be able to get in touch with Substack directly to get them to sort it - please can you help me?

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Wonderful share thank you. Taking time to notice and connect to the simple things around me will be my focus, things that connect me to hope and light, life affirming signs as I feel this is what I really need. 💚

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