Hello and welcome to this space.

This is a place where I can create, compost, explore and offer something away from the tiny boxes and limited spaces on social media. I hope it is a little like a rummage in the hedgerows, a solo walk in the woods, where our inner and outer nature is the tool in which to learn from and the teacher to explore with.

I’m Brigit, a writer, eco-psychotherapist, guide, botanist, forager, herbalist, naturalist and mother. I’m a person learning how to compost, transform and grow over and over again in this life.

I work with people, guiding them in ways to rewild their psyche and come back to something more alive within, I work with the the wildness in all beings, I have an obsession with nature and how it has helped me in my own journey of recovery and cptsd. I love adventures, stories, words, art and alchemy and hopefully I can offer a taste of that here, for you.

I wanted to develop this space as a writer, away from my theraputic work and the algorithms of social media as it felt like a good place to offer up and explore more, my writing, musings, guidance, information and resources.

I write about the journey of being human, about thriving after trauma and the nature that lives outside and inside of us.

Free Subscription: Comes with my fortnightly Sunday newsletter.

Paid subscription

Your contribution is so valued and feels full of reciprocity.

As a paying subscriber you will get -

  • Into the Woods, a fortnightly newsletter

  • Harvest and Gather which is a monthly explorations on the season, seasonal celebrations and plant connection.

  • Slow Sunday letter which is an occasional monthly or fortnightly small but deeper writing on the journey of being human and the natural world.

  • Journaling prompts each full moon to support your journey.

  • Online new moon gatherings via zoom, where we explore a theme through writing, speaking and sharing together.

    Why pay

    I believe in the importance of paying creators if we enjoy their work and gain something useful from them, and, I’m aware this isn’t always possible, which is why I have the free fortnightly connection letter.

    For paid subscribers, your monthly contribution, the price of a coffee, supports me in creating sustainably and to continue sharing my writing in ways that are doable.

If you’re interested in subscribing, here is a code for 20% off subscription.

If you really cannot afford this subscription, but feel it may benefit you, do get in contact.

Subscribe to Into the Woods with Brigit Anna McNeill

Writings and explorations on being human, the nature that lives outside & inside, the spirit of the season and what it holds for our journey and re-wilding the human psyche


Hi I’m Brigit, A writer, eco-psychotherapist, guide, mentor, herbalist and author.